An Afterrnoon with Friends

Michael wanted a new friend from his class to come to play one day after today was that day. Michael called Nicholas and asked him if he wanted to come over. It was so cute. He planned and planned what they were going to you can guess it involved trains and pirates. I caught them in the basement having a great time. The time seemed to fly by. I think Michael and Nick have decided that Michael needs to go to his house next.Michael had not had enough of :Pirate Play" when Skyler rang the front doorbell...they were off to the seven seas fighting all those bad pirates. When I was taking this picture I told the boys to give me their best pirate AARG...Michael said that he wasn't a mean pirate...he was a nice one so he had to give me a nice face. I think Skyler is one of those bad pirates. And if that wasn't enough pirate...tonight I had to tell him a pirate story. Yep, sports fans, I think he is in the middle of retiring the engineer outfit.


Miss Yvonne said…
If he does retire the engineer outfit, you need to put that in a shadow box with the hat and a few other train momentoes. I'm sure you can find a wall to hang such a treasured memory. You could even jounal it and mount a small placard with the story of his train adventures to read in the shadow box.

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