The Old Dog Learns New Tricks

I am starting two new chapters the Book of Jan...simply to prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks. A few months ago I got fed up with trying to garden with foggy, sweaty glasses that would fall of my head every time I bent over no matter how many times I tightened the screws. It is pretty bad when you have to get the five year olds to help you find your glasses. I know you are probably saying that I should have invested in those granny strings that your oldest teacher in elementary wore around her neck...been there done that...couldn't keep up with the glasses once I took them off. I think that part is the old aged forgetfulness thing. Anyway, Mark and I went to the eye doctor and I asked if it would be possible to get contacts. I tried last year but he told me that it probably wouldn't be a very good idea...can't remember his reasoning. So this year I TOLD the eye doctor (I'm 52 and should be able to decide what I want to do)that I wanted contacts. I was very nice but very determined to get them. He gave me the old song and dance...I have two tricks against me for wearing them...1.I have never worn them before and 2. my age (what ever that is supposed to mean). So about a month ago I tried the contacts that have near vision in the center and far vision around the outside edge. After two weeks of fuzziness I went back to the drawing board. Next I was fitted with one near contact and one far contact. So far so good. I think we have found the right combination. I am down to a whopping 5 minutes to get them in. This morning I thought I had them in only to discover the right one hard and scrunched on the sink. But now I can actually read Michael's newest train shopping list so they both must be in right.

I am thrilled to report that I have a job...well actually two. First, I will have two Kindergartners to put on and take off the bus two days a week. It should be is Luke from next door. I am looking forward to them having a great year at school. Hopefully I will be putting them on the school bus happy and wanting to learn and picking them up excited to tell me about their day. That is only two days a week. Now for the big news....I am going to be working with my former Preschool Director as her Interim Administrative Assistant. How does that sound... It only gets better...5 days a week, two hours in the morning while Michael is at school and then one full day a week or what ever I can work out with Mark's schedule. I am so excited. Some of the teachers that were there when I taught are still there. I even have an office to organize...right down my alley. I am going on Thursday for orientation and then I need to get fingerprints, background checks and a physical. So my schedule is pretty much set for the school year. Up early, bus pick-up, preschool, bus pipck-up lunch, pick-up Sarah and then the usual school routine. Sounds pretty organized to me...let's just see how it actually works out...remembering that I am not as young as I used to be...I'm sure that I will keep you posted...aren't you thrilled...


My Mom wears one contact for near and one for far. She has for many years and thinks it's the best thing. Good luck with them.
Miss Yvonne said…
Great job with the contacts. When we were there it took you twenty minutes. Congrats on the job. Glad it's started well.

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