Hard to Imagine

It is hard for us to believe that Bryce is 25...but it is official with all this smoke from his candles....We were finally able to have him for dinner. Tini came with Toby and a plate of Michael's favorite cookies. Bryce brought Seau and his dirty laundry. We had a great dinner of chicken and grilled veggies, Ceasar salad, and special almost burnt bread...and turtle cheese cake for his cake. Happy 25th Bryce...


leigh ann said…
yeah, well...if the little bubba is 25, then it's official. i am old. doesn't seem that many years ago (but it was 22!) that we were dancing "cheek to cheek" at scott and michele's wedding reception. (remember that?!) gosh i love your family.
Anonymous said…
happy birthday Bryce! you will HAVE to make Peep bring you and Dustin here! you would love it!!! Zipline later this week!
Miss Yvonne said…

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