
Who knew what today would bring....Geocaching was the answer. You just might be asking yourself what in the world is geocaching...and how in the world do you pronounce that word. Here are your answers...
Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for GPS users and all of us rookies that don't own a GPS. Geo, as in the ground, earth...and cach as in hidden treasures. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches...the rest of us have to use the brains that God gave us (thank heavens Emmy and Nate go with us or we would be out still searching for the first cach). Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache. If you get really lucky you might find a travel bug hidden in the cach. How do you pronounce Geocaching? You pronounce it Geo-cashing, like cashing a check.

Without a GPS you really have to read the clues carefully. Thank heaven Emmy and Nate are experts at this. Here is Nate with our first cach...Dry Access...this one had to be anchored to the tree roots so when the water is up it will stay put. Good idea for any cach I think. Michael and Luke were thrilled. Emmy was such a show-off and Sarah just was happy to be there...NOT...You can see all the treasures that were found in the .50 cal ammo box...that sure sounds geocachingish...after everyone took something and put some pennies in return we hid it again. All the boys wanted to have a hand in this one. Emmy was our map reader, Luke was out trail tripper, I was the pack mule (you'll have to ask Emmy), Michael was worried about the lost dog poster that was hanging at the head of the trail, Nate was ready to figure out the next set of clues and Sarah was pulling up the end of our little party going thru the woods.This cach...Camp one that we have tried to find before. It took Nate less that 5 minutes...with Emmy's locate it between two signs. We had tried to find it before with the friends from WI, but had no luck that time.Our last treasure was found in an area that we know quite well...Bark and near the Bark Park that Ella likes. And again, the team of Emmy and Nate found the cach. When we opened it, there was traveling bug. The writing on the back says..."I go from place to place, picking up stories along the way. Visit to learn more about me and add your own." So now we have to figure out how we are going to hide our cach with the travel bug, where we are going to hide it and what to name much to do but it should be a blast. Wish us luck!


Miss Yvonne said…
I am so jelous. We walked around Camp Dennison for half an hour and couldn't find that one. You know with a travel bug, you don't have to hide your own cash, you can put it in one you've already found. You should take Emmy and Nate to the cash by the Sycamore trees at the river, and see if they can find that one.

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