First Day of School

It's finally here...the first day of school. YEA! Everyone is so excited. Michael chose his Cass Railroad Shay Locomotive shirt for his first day. He is so proud. Michael and Luke were ready and couldn't wait to get on that school bus. We made them pose for this pictures in front of Renee's flag. Michael did not even care...usually he doesn't like his picture taken. So we are off...Mark,(Ella didn't get to go this morning) Michael and I, Renee, John, O'Ma and her dog, Voldie, Skyler, Lynn, Ronda, and Linlee (I'm sure that is not how you spell it). We had to walk about a block or so to the bus stop where we met parents and kids we had never seen before. I don't know where they all have been hiding for two summers.But here they are waiting for the bus...which ended up running late...first day is always hard. It took the bus driver at least 10 minutes to get everyone on the bus and in a seat.(Besure to check out our Wheels on The Bus Video). I wanted to help her so bad but Mark said that I could not get on the bus. They all three managed to squeeze in a seat together. Michael better grow a little really soon if he plans on sitting by the window.Today bright an early Sarah was up and getting ready for school. I knew it was going to be a great day because she had time to make her bed and straighten up her room. Mark had to pick he up because I was still working at preschool (my new job, for real). She said that it was the best first day she has ever had. She came in and did homework. The only complaint was that she is going to have a Spanish test tomorrow so she needed to study a little bit. So far her favorite class is Psychology. Hope the rest of the year is as great as the first day for both of them.


Anonymous said…
glad everyone had a GREAT first day! michael... WE SAW A BEAR!!! we took a picture but will try to take a video tom. morning. have fun at school.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE the pic of Michael on the school bus! He looks so excited. Glad the first days went so well!
Anonymous said…
was up at 6:00 looking for the bear to make a video for Michael. no sight of him he must have not been ready for his big debute maybe tom.
Miss Yvonne said…
Glad everyone had a great first day. Ours is next Tuesday. I like Sarah's first day outfit. I showed it to Hannah.
Miss Yvonne said…
THe video was adorable. Tommy and Tyler watched it too. They wanted to know which bus Michael is on. They said Hi to Michael.
WOW! So many kids getting on the bus at once. Glad to see everyone had a great day. I love the picture of Michael on the bus.
Anonymous said…
i like sarah's outfit=D

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