Mark and I have been watching Fat March on TV for a few weeks now. Those people have inspired us to do our own March. We won't be walking the 500 miles from Boston to DC but we will try to walk at least an hour a day. Today after taking Michael to the dentist, Mark decided that we should walk before he went to work. Okay, I said but do you realize that right now it is 103 degrees...that's right 103. Oh my goodness, are we nuts. Here we are all chipper and ready to go. Ella decided that she would go with us. She loves to walk. Our water bottles are filled to the brim with ice and water. We both even had a sweat rag tucked in our pants. And off we go. And I must say that Mark sets a pretty mean pace. This old gal hung back about 10 feet. I could hardly keep up...this coming from a woman who walked a marathon (26.2 miles) a few years ago... all in one day with a bunch of ladies at least 10 years younger. I thought this 3 miles would be a piece of cake. Little did I realize how out of shape I am. We started out the drive way at 4:15PM with Ella pulling for all she was worth. We hadn't gone a half a block when Mark did not reel her leash in and she was almost run over. That set the tone for the rest of the walk. We finished our walk at 5:05PM...59 minutes later...boils down to a whopping 15.6 minute mile. We are keeping track of our times, weight, miles...you name it we got a list for it. Then we had a great dinner of grilled chicken, zucchini, yellow squash and green pepper casserole, rice and ice cold water. Day one down. Don't tell anyone but I have a bag of peanut M&M's to eat.


Good for you. I should be doing the same since I am also so out of shape. I keep telling myself that as soon as J goes to school I will join the Y. I guess I better get on that.
Miss Yvonne said…
You are crazy walking in heat like that when you're not used to it. At your , uhm, advanced ages, it could be dangerous. I would trade that heat in a minute for all the rain we've had. We've been commecting it in five gallon pails, measueing it and using the rain water. Since last saturday, we've had ten inches of rain with more tonight and tomorrow. I've been wlaing on teh tread mill, 20 minute miles.
The Oakes said…
yeah like anyone is surprised that you have a sugar stash.....and just to keep the excitement alive for a trip to CO, this morning around 10 my thermometer on the dango said 63 degrees. It is gorgeous here!
Miss Yvonne said…
By the way, I was thinking about your marathon, the training before habd, and the bruised toes that took months to heal afterwards!!!

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