An Early Start...

I knew when I was so excited and bragging that we got to sleep in yesterday morning and that we had not lost a single paci...I was doomed. Mark was up early and moving around rather loudly this morning...that woke Michael up, which woke the dogs up, which woke me up which woke Ellis up. I had asked Mark to shut the door to Ellis's room...he did but forgot the magic little twist that you have to give the door to make sure it stays shut. Needless to say we were at CVS Pharmacy about 8:30 this morning replacing the eaten paci and getting more ammo for the stock pile of pacis in the drawer...a toothbrush and some watermelon toothpaste for Ellis and last but certainly not least a treat of Skittles for later. Why not get the rest of the errands we took the scenic tour and ran into the high school band which was practicing along with every other group at the everywere. We watched them for a long time and then found the drum corp behind the building as we were headed to the post office. And since today is Friday, we made our weekly stop at the library. Michael chose train videos and he found a fire truck video for Ellis. We also ran across a large Thomas the Tank Engine book..."that we can read one chapter a night" Michael has decided. He isn't too thrilled with my choice of Ribys by Beverly Cleary...not any trains and not enough pictures.Emmy and Nate came around lunch time. I have decided that Ellis is an endless pit. He kept eating anything that I put in front of him. And Cassie, he LOVES Gripppo's. The big box is gone. We had to have something to cool us off so an orange Popsicle seemed to fill the bill. He is getting pretty good at getting every last drop out. Then it was nap time for Ellis. He is amazing to say the least..never pitches a fit about anything. I said it was time to take a nap and he took my hand and we headed for the bedroom. Three and a half hours later we were back outside.
Do you think it might be a little humid here today. It is tons better than the past few days. Always before Ellis has only put his hands in the water. Today he surprised me by getting in the pool...totally with all his clothes and shoes on. It was so funny.. He thought it was pretty funny too. He kept falling and then rolling around in the water like a big walrus or something.After playing in the pool we went for a bike ride/walk with Luke and Michael all around the big circle. Ellis sat in all those wet clothes and I am sure he was not sweating one bit, unlike poor old Wammy.

After dinner, which Ellis ate all of us under the table...we were back outside enjoying the cooler evening and watering the thirsty flowers. Luke and Skyler came down so we had lots of little boys in the backyard all showing off what they could do best. Michael has learned how to climb the ladder with confidence...Luke has no problem climbing like a monkey to the top of the fireman's pole...Sklyer is a little more tentative about what he wants to do...Ellis got to do what he loves to do best...DRIVE. We didn't get to play very long because "the sun was setting" according to Michael and the bugs were having a field day with my ankles. Baths all around...Sarah and Michael are having movie night, Ellis is in bed singing, and the dogs are waiting for me to climb under the covers...which isn't going to be much longer. Another great day in the Big City...wonder what is in store for tomorrow...Oh, I forgot one thing...Ellis has a new treat...chocolate chip cookie dough....remember, what happens at Wammy's stays at Wammy's. I am loving this grandmother thing :)


The Oakes said…
glad to hear that the little man is haivng a ball. looks like from that first picture that you should keep feeding him. im enjoying myself as well. i slept until 9 today and i havent had to rise from my chair at even one meal until i was totally finished!!
Anonymous said…
well, I miss, he looks like he is doing good, but I think I am ready for a break to come see everyone.

Miss Yvonne said…
Michael sure looks old with that hir cut, shirt off, and compared to Ellis.

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