The Campout

Call me crazy...I had a camp out with three little boys last night that was a blast! They were so funny! It was SOOOOO HOT! Sarah and I put the tent up yesterday afternoon. I knew we should have waited until dark to do it. As soon as the boys saw the tent they started coming with their stuff. Some even in their pj's. Luke camps all the time, Michael has been wanting to camp, and I am not real sure about Skyler's camping experience. The main question was "Are we going to have s'mores..." Well, of course, a camp out with no s'mores...that would be unAmerican. And besides you always need the boys jazzed up with sugar to add to the level of their craziness.Renee came over to lend moral support, John came home from work and said he would help out by sending over anything that we needed camp equipment wise, Mark came to the campfire for a few minutes after a long day at work, and Ronda sent down chocolate chip cookies...more sugar and caffeine...who cares, it's a camp out.After a s'more each and a few chocolate chip cookies it was time to go in the tent with the flashlights. You can't imagine the dancing that we witnessed. The boys never did figure out that we could see them in the catastrophe...Michael hit Luke in the chin with his flashlight by accident.It was getting a little late, resting on the hammock seemed like such a good idea. We removed all the weapons from their hands right after this picture was taken. I also seem to remember that they all might have had to have just one more marshmallow...go ahead, it only a camp out. Now we are all ready for our night in the tent...I was sure that it would cool off...OH must have been 90 in there. I talked the boys into sleeping in their undies...two were okay with that, but Michael wasn't too keen on that idea, but he did give it a try for a few minutes. It did help to cool us off. But then I remembered that we had an oscillating fan in the garage. I called Mark from the tent on my cell phone (surely, not the way I camped when I was a little girl) and asked him to hook us up.The "fresh air" helped cool us all off so finally one by one they got quite and heavy breathing could be heard among the tree frogs and crickets in the back yard. The boys started out all on a queen size blow up mattress, but as the night got hotter and longer they spread out on the floor of the tent.

Somehow I thought we were good to go with the sleeping thing. Little did I know that Skyler would wake up around midnight wanting to go home, (not an option in my book)...Luke would wake up at 2:30AM and want to put his pj's back on...and Michael would decide that he needed to snuggle with me on a hot air mattress with his hot little body against my already hot body...(and not hot in a good way)...hearing John leave at 4:30AM to go to work...Ella barking to go outside at 5:30AM...Michael waking up at 6AM, and again at 6:30AM...then Mark wakes me up at 7M to tell me that he is leaving to go to work. So what is a girl to do...get up and fix waffles for breakfast.

We did have a great time and I think the boys would do it all over again tonight...but as luck would have it..Sarah is having a friend over for a camp out and we will have to do our next camp out when it is cold November.


The Oakes said…
looks like you have had some pretty busy days. i read two blogs in one sitting. the geocaching sounds fun and the camping sounds miserable.....i would be such the grump.
Miss Yvonne said…
That sounded like such a great time. I don't recommend camping in November. Maybe late September or early October. You're right, gotta have lots of S'mores!

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