Workin' on The Chain Gang

We had a pretty uneventful day today. I had one goal today...move the bricks one more time. When we first moved in the first thing we took out was a bumpy brick patio. Cassie was here and she helped one entire day. I think Emmy might have helped a little too. We moved the bricks to one spot...just threw them in a pile. Then I decided that we needed to make it look little nicer so we stacked them very neatly on the back patio. Well, today for the third and next to last time, we moved the bricks (estimated at 1,500) to behind the barn. Three hours and a Blizzard later, Sarah is all smiles...but I'll have to hand it to her, she never complained one time..well, maybe twice when her wheelbarrow tipped over....Once we got finished, I was checking out the squash to see if there were and zucchini, when I found our first yellow hollyhock. Mark would like to fill the whole side yard with these. He says they remind him of his grandmothers house when he was little.
After all the yard fun and ice cream, we managed to squeeze in dinner. hen we had to take a bike...big wheel ride. Michael, Luke and I got on our bikes and big wheels and headed out to the cul-de-sac. Little did I know that they had other plans. We ended up doing the cul-de-sac, ad the toad all the way to the main road...several hills and some straights, as Michael tells me. We were doing great until the first hill. That is when I almost had a heart attack. It took me back to the days of Big Wheel Races down n. Queens Ct. with Bryce, Jeremy and Mark Adams. I did manage to take them on a dead end and get a video of the can find it over on the right side of the page...check those daredevils out!


Miss Yvonne said…
Finnally a fairly uneventful day, no more wires coming down or transformers blowing up. Great!!
The Oakes said…
im so envious of sarah.....if only i had been there to move the bricks one more time.....and if i remember correctly emmy didn't lift a finger but i will give her some credit she did get us a few "hamburgers" from pen station

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