Bike Riding Fools

What a weekend...
We have been bike riding fools this weekend. Today Mark and I rode from Old Milford to Loveland...I don't have any idea how far it is on a bike but I can tell you that it is a long way...past the SchoolHouse Restaurant by about 45 minutes. Once we got there we toured the tour...busting at the seams with bike riders in their spandex. We ended up at the Marathon Station for water and the produce stand across the road from the canoe livery. We got a couple bananas and some plums. But the next time we go canoeing I and loading up on boiled peanuts. I just checked...9.5 miles one we biked 19 miles today...not to mention the 30 minute ride Mark took me on this morning thru the neighborhood. I had no idea there were so many roads around us. I have to give it to him, he was in front of me just about all the way. When he was behind me all I could hear was his breaks squeaking because I was going so slow. I kept noticing that we weren't passing anyone but everyone was passing us...HUMM...but I am proud to say that we accomplished our goal of getting there and back in one piece with no tumbles or flat tires. Not to bad for two old farts! Michael has had a big weekend....Luke went to church with us and then got to spend the night. Then today when they weren't arguing (reminds us of Jeremy and Bryce) he was with Luke. Michael got his pirate ship and Luke had his ark all day in the new alligator pool that we thought would be bigger but it will be the perfect size for Ellis when he comes to visit. They had had a blast in it. You might be wondering what Sarah has been doing all day. Well, this morning she went to church and then we haven't seen much of her since...we were gone when she came home. But when we came home she was watching TV...chillin' on the couch. Now she is off to the movies with her friends. And I am off to soak for about three days in the tub..where's that hot tub when I need it...oh, yea, in WI.


The Oakes said…
yeah i think you are right about the pool, ellis will love the pool but it isn't exactly the size i was picturing when it was described to me.
Miss Yvonne said…
I think that's a really neat pool. So, is anyone's health improving yet with all the biking? I know my leggs feel like lead because I just walked three miles.
Miss Yvonne said…
You know, I could throw the hot tub on a trailer and bring it to you when we come in a couple of weeks.

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