
Sunday began a little later that usual. Michael slept until about 8PM and I think Ellis got up just a little earlier than that. We were out "driving" bright and early. Michael carried up a bucket of trains and train tracks the other day. He actually found one with a battery and it was in working order. Mark's car and Emmy's car were lined up in the driveway and Michael just turned it into Flattop Mountain Tunnel. He must have driven that train a dozen times before he went on to something else.
Ellis had another exciting day outside. We might as well pitch a tent outside for this kid...he LOVES it out there. We started with blowing bubbles. This trip to Gammy's he has learned to pull the bubble wand out of the bottle and blow it all by himself. He blew and blew and blew...but as always, the bubbles got spilled...seems we have a water theme was the birdbath/mud hole. Ellis..the boy...dug and dug and dug. Ella...the dog...loved it too because all the sticks went to her. They played in the sun until Cassie, Mark, and Sarah returned from their shopping trip. This is about the only time that Ellis was in the house. He loves to sit by the front door on this bench that my parents had when I was a little girl. It is just the right size for him.While I was watering the plants, Ella found a toad. It was so stunned that Ellis was able to pick it up and hold it without it hopping away. He was thrilled about it. When Cassie came out he told her about it and she went to the bush and found him again. So many creatures to see and so many things to do at Pappy and Gammy's house.


leigh ann said…
too bad we don't live next door. luke would be out there with ellis catching frogs. he's 13 now but when a frog hops by, he just can't help himself. he got his hands on several outside mom and dad's door in NC.

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