
Another glorious day...early wake up call from Ella Bella this morning. Ellis decided that it might be a great idea to start the day out with a good breakfast and a helmet.I think he might have his eyes set on the Tour De France in a few years. We double teamed things today...Cassie and Emmy went for haircuts and the kids and I went to the park to watch a dog competition...the one where they catch the Frisbees.It was great fun...the World Record holder was there participating. One story...a boy about 10-11 was in the competition for the first time and he came in third out of over 30 participants. His Dad was so excited...he ran out into the field and picked his son up and kept telling him how proud he brought a tear to my eye. Once Cassie and Emmy came we were off to Midsummer at the Meadows....a fun day where the community comes together to play, see fire trucks, pick up freebies from get it. Michael loves this is special because it only comes one day a year. He remembered it from last summer...the shark story...

There was a small petting zoo. Ellis loved the animals but he kept quacking at the ducks. Cassie thought that he would love to ride the pony. He loves them at Kroger and even entertains the customers with his YAH HOOS...but he was in no mood for a ride on the range this day. He hated it...we felt bad for we went back to the ducks. We raced home to clean up a little before meeting Mark at church. Ellis had a great time in his class. When we picked him up he was in the front seat of the "fire truck" which is actually a 12 seat stroller that they push the kids around in the halls. He thought he was on a fire truck so he was giving it his best WOOOOO WOOOOOO. And wouldn't you know after church we were off to dinner. This time Mark took us to a great family place...Buca de Peppo's...great meal, lots of food and lots of laughs. I am positive Cassie will have a few stories to tell on her blog and some great pictures. The boys did great for such a long day.This is how the day end for just about all of us...we just didn't have the luxury to have someone drive us home.


Miss Yvonne said…
What a fun day. Is Michael planning on teahing Ella how to catch a frisbe? Bucca's is a great place to eat. When I'm reading the blog, I have to be careful who's name I'm reading, Ella or Ellis. I've had to go back a few times to make sure you're talking about the boy and not the dog. (:
Anonymous said…
yeah mom has trouble with there names to and Cassie keeps saying I told you not to name that dog Ella.
Anonymous said…
ellis is such a cutie!

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