
Today was our last day with Cassie and Ellis. The great part was that they didn't leave until almost 8PM. Mark had the day off so we divided and conquered. Mark and I had eye know getting older and you need some help making everything just a tad bit bigger... and Cassie took the boys to the train store. She said again that she had never learned so much about trains in such a short period of time. By the time we got back, Ellis was napping so Cassie and I finished her dress and began to pack an empty suitcase with clothes for Trevor, Ellis and "Ladybug". We didn't even make a dent...we still have three large boxes to send and one water table to somehow pack up.

The good thing is that Ellis and Cassie will be coming back in about two weeks for another week stay. The house seems awfully quiet...Sarah is off to camp for a it is just the boys and the dog and of course me. Tomorrow is errands and cleaning because our friends from WI will be here on Wed afternoon for a few days. It should be a great time!This one is for all you Oakes boys. Ellis may have the Oakes last name but he knows where his heart lies...GO BENGALS...we just couldn't let him leave "the big city" without a jersey. He may live near Denver but he wears orange and black very well!


The Oakes said…
trevor hardly even acknowledged the jersey until i asked him if he saw what ellis was wearing....his reply..." who dey gonna get beat by next week"
leigh ann said…
i LOVE "wammy"...just more proof that you're one in a million!

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