The Loft

I made the mistake of not taking pictures when were first moved...didn't want Bryce to make the same one. So, here they are. Bryce called one day last week when Mark had a day off and asked us (actually, his Dad) to help pick out paint colors. Off we go to a paint store in Clifton..of course we got lost, but we did beat Bryce there by a few minutes. We got a few samples and this is what we came up with the first round. Last night when I talked to him..brown is in the picture now. The painter is coming within the next two weeks...can't wait to see what he does. Color, what ever shade it is, will be a vast improvement. Here is the kitchen. He has already started setting it up...things on the counters, dog food and treats on the fridge, clean dishes (thanks Mom) in the cabinets and a new fish bowl for the fish. Color for the kitchen is still undetermined. Sounds like a trip to Target to find out the latest in "kitchen fashion". I was standing just inside the door when I took this picture. There is one more window to the left of these two. Window treatments should be interesting..he wants a hospital ceiling curtain mount and drapes that can be opened by pushing them is something like 18 feet wide. And guess who is making the drapes.....this will be a bigger challenge than Trevor and Cassie's drunkards path quilt.This was puzzling to have to walk thru his closet to get to the bathroom. And there is no ceiling in the closet. Guess I am not up on big city living. There are some really nice shelves behind the door on the left. We are going to have to come up with something really creative to hide the clutter...sorry son. Does this look like a spa retreat to you...lots of work in here to be done for sure! So that is the first tour of the new digs. I will be sure to let you know how things turn out...or maybe which ones of us have gone crazy trying to fix it up just right. Really, it should be fun. He is not too far away and I know how to get there...parking is my only concern. Oh, yell, live in the big city. And one final note..bryce sold his car... because he can walk to work....wonder how he will be getting to school in the fall...


The Oakes said…
looks like he has finally found a way for emmy to pay him back for all of the money she has borrowed.... have fun driving him around emmy!
Miss Yvonne said…
He could borrow Michael's old bike. Nice idgs, but if there's no ceiling in the closet, does he wave at his upstairs neighbors? And if he's renting, why is he doing all the work, is he getting a cut on the rent?

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