Let The Games Begin....Thursday

Thursday afternoon Michael and I drove to Dayton to pick up Cassie and Ellis. We got to the airport early enough to have some time to explore every nook and crannies of the airport. We even ran into some old friends from our church in Cincinnati, the Bolton's. Come to find out that Aaron has been living in CO for the past seven years. Two years ago he moved to Denver...small world. During our scenic drive to the airport, Emmy calls to tell me that she has found the bakery of choice in a new location. She also informed me that she purchased a BOX of thumbprint cookies...Cassie and Emmy's all time favorite cookies. Needless to say, cookies were the first order of business. I think that Ellis likes the little dollop of icing in the center better than the actual cookie. He was in heaven with two of his favorite things...cookies and a "traaaaactor". (oh, before I go any further...all the pictures from Cassie's latest post on her blog came from my camera. She stole all the good pictures from our adventures yesterday...so please refer to her blog after reading ours.) The boys, Michael and Luke, got their bikes out ...so Ellis got his out also...Renee gave him a helmet to wear and he hasn't hardly taken it off. He loves it. Now we need to figure out how to take his bike, tractor and big wheel apart to ship it back home to CO with him...any suggestions...And for all of you who say that I should be on the blog...this is probably one of a few pictures that you will see. Ellis and I have made a race track around the yard...we kept it hot yesterday...does this count as aerobics...wonder how many calories you burn playing with your grand son....Before noon I think we had played with all the toys and then some. Ellis and I blew bubbles and played a little basketball...sat on the front porch swing, took the dog for a walk, played with the drips from the gutters...we were having a grand old time. Oh, I forgot to tell one good story. Driving home from the airport Cassie was showing us all the words that Ellis can say. Don't you know that he is able to everything but Gammy...the little stinker...and I know that Cassie has been working with him. What does he do when we get home and open the car door...yell for "Paaaaappy". Well, that was all it too and Ellis and Pappy were fast friends. The went out back to the "weeee" for a few minutes. We have discovered that Ellis loves to drive. He loves Michael's "playground" because there are two steering wheels. So he and Pappy played with those forever.
We closed the day off with a great dinner with all of us in attendance. Bryce called the chef at Ruby's and hooked us up with steaks, the best mac and cheese in the world, and some asparagus. The girls and I fixed a huge salad with Mandarin oranges and raspberries. We were all so full we were ill. Thursday night we had a house full all five of our kids under one roof, our number one grandson and two dogs...life is good.


Miss Yvonne said…
Wow, That sounds absolutely fantastic. Your discription of dinner has my mouth watering. You loved every minute with you grand son, didn't you. Nice picture of the blogger, it's about time.

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