In the Middle of Nowhere...

Here we go...first railroad crossing of the day...
Today around noon, Michael and I set out with the GPS to find six homes that were part of the Greater Cincinnati Garden Railway Society 2007 Summer Layout English that means train fanatics set up trains in their backyards and then someone (the wife) builds gardens complete with creeks, fish ponds, small buildings with little characters, wild and domestic was absolutely amazing!
The show was on Saturday and Sunday but we could only make the Sunday showings. We have already started planning to attend both days next year. And we definitely are taking Mark with us. He would love the gardens as much as Michael loved the trains.
Michael and I got to see lots of places that we never knew existed. At one point Michael asked me if we "were in the middle of nowhere". It seemed like it but we made it back safe and sound.
During our visit to one home, Michael noticed that one of the engine was no coupled to the tender and the rest of the train. He went straight to the man in charge and told him about it. The man told him that he had a good eye. Several people couldn't believe that he knew as much about trains as he does. One man commented that he had been watching Michael and saw that he had figured out the train pattern before some of the adults had. Several of the ladies told me that I had a future engineer on my hands...don't I know it.
Several of the homes were perfect...I mean not a dead leaf or wilted flower, not a blade of grass out of place, really great dark mulch and great snacks with lemonade. What could be better than a cup full of pretzels and some ice cold lemonade while watching trains all afternoon.So, if you are around here next year about this time, expect to go with us to check out the trains.

Cassie and Ladybug Update: Cassie last doctor's visit revealed that while she was in Cincinnati she gained nine pounds! Emmy has been given instructions that there are to be no more thumbprint cookies.


The Oakes said…
On my blog I just said the I may have to take it easy on our next trip.

Glad you guys had fun. It's to bad that your camera died b/c the pictures that you got are awesome!
Anonymous said…
Those pics are awesome! I would have loved to see all of them in person!
Miss Yvonne said…
Those train gardens looked great. Is it the same weekend every year? If so, we'll try for that one next year.

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