Funs Times at Coney

I am always trying to find new, different, cheap and fun things to do around the area...I found this balloon fest last year. I had forgotten about it until yesterday around 6PM. My neighbor, Renee and I were talking and she mentioned it. I immediately got on the computer to get details. And found out that it was free!!! I ran back over to Renee's and asked if she and Luke would like to go with us. Ten minutes later we were in the car headed for Coney...along with thousands of other cars. We sat in traffic for awhile but made it into Coney with about and hour and a half to spare.I was loving it! This is up in the inside of the first balloon we came across. So many beautiful colors and it was amazing...about twenty balloons all in one area...all so full that they touched and swayed in the air like a wave on the water. The first time we jumped when they started heating up what ever is inside the balloons. It was so hot, like sitting in front of a roaring fire...well, I guess that is what is sorta is...DUH. Michael and Luke weren't too excited about that part. All the colors were so brilliant. I could only imagine what they were going to be like when they were glowing at night. We were trying to decide which of the balloons would be the most brilliant at night...Renee found the winner...the yellow one with the blue star. As you can see, it is starting to get dark. I think my favorite balloon is the rainbow with the blue sky. I wish I could have taken a single picture of each one of them because they were all so different. On cue from a air horn, the balloons were lit up like a Christmas tree...each going off to it's own rhythm...I guess you could say "Dueling Balloons". (check out the "BALLOON FEST" video on the right). It was a real show. Close to 10PM we started walking back to the car.
Come to find out that at 10PM the fireworks started. We got to the car and decided to get out a blanket and put it down in the parking lot. We sat there for a little while until we thought it was the Grand Finale, only to get in traffic. The Lord was watching out for us because while stuck in traffic, we ended up with the best seats in the house. The boys laid their seats back and Sarah moved up to the middle and off we went. We had promised the boys if they were good that we would stop and get an ice cream. UDF here we come. Michael and Luke both got WOW COW in a chocolate and sprinkle dipped waffle cones at 11PM...they though they had died and gone to heaven. By the time we pulled into the driveway, Michael was asleep and Luke was just about to drop off.

Moral of this story: If you are ever in Cincinnati during Balloon Fest, expect to go.


The Oakes said…
maybe you should be the one taking the national geographic pictures, the last picture is awesome!
Miss Yvonne said…
Those pictures were great. I think you shuld enter some in photo contests, especially the night shot. There are lots of contests on the web that you could find.

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