Meet Lou

Dixie has a new friend. Dixie is getting on in years so...good old Emmy decided that Michael might need a new pet. I have learned that Webkinz are the latest rage...everyone has one. So, Michael has adopted a new "puppy"...Lou. He and Emmy filled out all the required paperwork and he is an official Ellis. Michael was so excited to learn that Dixie and Lou were going to be on the blog that he wanted his picture with them. According to him, this is "My happy smile." It looks like something hurts to me.


The Oakes said…
looks to me like Lou and Dixie just took a wee wee on Michael's shorts and he is really grossed out by it.
Miss Yvonne said…
DJ wanted to know if Michael was crying.
Miss Yvonne said…
Is Lou house trained yet?

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