Dance Fever

Of course, Mark is out of town...of course, Sarah has his permission to have friends over...of course, we cleaned all day yesterday...of course, Emmy showed up...of course, Michael and Ella were beside themselves...of course, I was up all night with a puppy that wanted to join the fun in the basement...of course, there will be monkey bread for breakfast...of course, I am planning a nap sometime today. Once everyone got here, Michael, Luke and I went to pick up "Rose's". The boys and I had a little pizza party upstairs while the girls carried on in the basement. Then the dance party began. Michael promised Sarah that he would dance with her one time before he went to bed. (check it out under the video section at the right)...John Travolta better watch out, Michael has some moves.


Anonymous said…
there is no video of Michael Travolta.
Miss Yvonne said…
Today is Friday, and I bet you're still tired. A bunch of loud, dancing, giggling girls, gosh that sounds like a great time. Throw in the dog and a five year old boy, gee, why are you tired?!?
Anonymous said…
aw=[ i wish i lived by you guys! i miss our sleepovers and hanging out over there everyday of my life. dont worry. ill be there soon enough ellis family=]

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