Another BIG Weekend

Let me just back up a little bit and fill you in on the "bed and breakfast" mode that we are in....Cassie and Ellis were here for twelve days... my Dad was here for four days... Emmy, Bryce, and Seau were here for a few days during all of that time...friends from WI were here for four you can see it has been wonderfully crazy around here. I LOVE IT!...I would not have it any other way...I'm just wondering how people that run an actual bed and breakfast do it..all the laundry, preparing and cleaning up after all the meals...I have a renewed appreciation for those folks. I'm very lucky because I always have tons of helping hands, big and small, when it come to helping out. Now back to the big weekend with friends from WI.

Okay, now about our adventures with the McGilvary's...I need to first mention that they are true "Sconnies" all born and raised there. Yvonne and the kids have made the trek to OH before but this was Dale's first experience in the Buckeye state. We planned the trip to coincide with the Reds-Brewer's Thursday afternoon you could hear us singing "Take Me Out to The Ballgame". Every time that I have ever been to a ballgame, I have walked across the "Singing Bridge" from Newport, KY, to the stadium. Hannah always seemed confused as to what state we were many times do you actually cross the Ohio River from our house to the "Big City"...Michael and the rest of the Ellis clan were ready for those crazy Cheeseheads from WI...we were decked out in our Reds attire and they were dressed in their best blue Brewer attire. Just about the other side of the bridge Michael asked me to wait for him because he was getting a little "bridge sick". Once we sit solid ground again he seemed to be fine.We had awesome seats..right behind first base...foul territory...did I mention that we all brought out gloves because we were in prime territory...but the most important things needed to be taken care of had everything from huge slices of pizza, tons of nachos, hot dogs and brats, drinks and of course something cold to wash it all down.You just have to see this one to believe it...Dale and his peanut earring. They sure do have some weird traditions in thing I know DJ and Hannah were wearing earrings also. I wouldn't gloat or make fun of anyone or rub it in...but...That night we had a cookout with "all the neighbors" that I mean the WI neighbors meet the OH neighbors. John let us borrow his charcoal grill and ale made some of his famous onion and beer brats. We had a great time and Renee, the OH neighbor, said that she had a great time and that we all were crazy. It did get a little loud but it was tons of fun. We have never eaten so good! The next morning we got up and drove downtown to see Bryce's loft and check out the city, including the park with a view of the bridges and skyline. We had to get the kids to pose for this one...don't they look like they are having fun! I had to promise them lunch at Penn Station after this. Life is good once again.
Michael wanted to take DJ over to the park and show him all the cool things that we have...including a skateboard park. DJ was up for that...he just happened to bring his board and helmet. We weren't able to stay very long because of a storm that blew in...but I did manage to get one shot of him showing me what he could do. Next time he comes he assures me that he will be able to do more tricks. Bryce even helped him out with an Ollie, I think it is called. That night Dale and Yvonne surprised us by taking us to dinner at our favorite Mexican Restaurant. Michael was thrilled...he even ordered cheese dip without us even knowing it. Dinner was delicious...thank you!

We did so much this couple of days that I am so tired that I can't remember them all. But what I do remember is what fun we had and how much we miss being able to dig in the yard, have cookouts together, listen to the kids laugh, take ribbings from Dale, sit and chat over a cup of coffee, share ideas, talk about our know all those things that you do with good friends. It was great having them here. Michael and I have been a little sad today but we know they will be back another day...I still have DJ's skateboard...

Sarah Siting:Michael and I picked Sarah up from here week at CIY around 3PM...we have had one siting of her since then. Sounds like she had a great time and is ready to go back next year...or even next week if they would let her.


Miss Yvonne said…
Dale laughed at his picture. We sure had a great time, and all of us are ready to come back. The cook out was great. Renee is a lot of fun. "Miss Jan, can I open your garage door?"

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