Adoption Day

Today is special day at our house....not only do we celebrate birthdays, anniversarys, and Got Cha' Days...we also celebrate Adoption Days...July 30, 2001...Sarah became an official member of the Ellis family. Today was filled with some of her favorites...sleeping in...lunch at Penn Satation...filling out yet another job application...watching TV for hours...dinner with cream from Dairy Queen...six years ago The McGilvary's, The Bresson's, The Ellis's, Louann and Chrissy, Betsy, Richard, Daniel and Fred and Michalle Jensen all beamed in the courtroom when the judge made it all official.


leigh ann said…
you got me jan. that precious picture says SO MUCH about the Jesus in you and Mark. love you guys.
Anonymous said…
Wow! That is so great...I must say I got goosebumps reading it...What a great day to celebrate!
The Oakes said…
oh happy day......and nice helmet, my only question is where is sarah's?
Miss Yvonne said…
I just scapbooked that picture you were referring to. Thanks of reminding me of the date. That sure was a special day, my kids haven't forgotten.

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