"Movin' On Up"

as mentioned in the other blog entry, Bryce has been keeping me busy. He is venturing into urban living. But first we need to back up...for the last two days I have been cleaning, packing, making lists, sweating and enjoying the company of my oldest son. Out with the old...this is the entrance to his old apartment that he shared with a friend for three years. I counted all the steps yesterday as we were making our last trip out...33 steps up and then 33 steps down...on a very steep hill. I can assure that I got my cardio work-out for the next month doing all of these stairs. He and I boxed up everything and moved it...with the exception of a very heavy and awkward leather couch...Mark, Michael and Sarah had to help on that day....And in with the new...Looks like Bryce's place to live has grown up right along with him. He now lives with Seau in a loft/studio apartment, two blocks from where he works. It has a freight elevator, a view of Garfield Park, a workout center across the street in the building that his grandparents used to frequency in their shopping trips to Cincinnati, a rooftop pool, and just that big city feel. Yesterday, he and Sarah walked down the street to pick up lunch from Jimmy John's. And speaking of Seau,she is still kicking at around 13. She has gained a little weight...she looks like a torpedo with a dogs head attached. believe it or not (she is not a very social dog), Seau will put up with everything that Ella gives her. They run, bark and chase for hours.And, oh look, Seau has managed to teach Ella how to get up on the bed, mess up the quilt and take a nap. Ella must be dreaming of heaven because this never happens. I wonder how she will adapt to big city living...not much room to do your own thing...if you get my drift.


The Oakes said…
when do we get to see the inside of the apt?
Miss Yvonne said…
I bet you're exhausted form all that moving. The dogs look adorable together.
Anonymous said…
When is the house warming party?

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