Just for Emmy

Okay, Em I give. Last weekend we got to dig in Papaw's yard again. There was one picture of me that was not too flattering...you know the back side. So here it is and now we are even. I hosestly don't think Papaw has any plants left for us to dig up. Almost all of the flowers are gone except for the small garden he has close to the back door for Mamaw to see out the window. And oh look, another great one of your parents. Oh, it could have been worse...remember the picture I took of you asleep on the train?


Anonymous said…
no i love this picture of you and dad. if only that lady was not in the background.
The Oakes said…
you could easily crop that picture of you and dad. and i love what i can see of your dress. tell emmy she should be proud of that bum.
Anonymous said…
proud of what bum?
Miss Yvonne said…
Both pictures look great. We owe it to our kids to have pictures of us for them, even if we don't like the photos of ourselves. After we're gone, they have memories and photos of us.
The Oakes said…
miss yvonne is wise beyond her years
Anonymous said…
This is great picture of the two of you! Looks like your trip was lots of fun and that Michael was in heaven on the train!

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