Mark's Wedding

We were able to celebrate a wedding this weekend in WV. Mark Adams and Krista Willis were married in a beautiful and sweet service. Bryce and Mark have been friends for years...we lived at one end of the hill and the Adams family lived at the almost top of the other one...5 minutes walking distance. Jeremy (The Best Man) lived two minutes from Mark's house. The boys went to church together. They went to church camp and terrorized all the counselors. They all were in "my" boy scout troop. Oh, the stories that I could tell...But the story that will be told over and over again is what happened at the wedding. Sometime right before the wedding a man that is known as regular in the neighborhood, came in the doors asking for a drink of water. He was told he could get a drink. He got just a little more than a drink. He got Mark's (THE GROOM'S) wallet....all the money, the ID's, credit and debit cards...Just so happened that a Federal agent and a sheriff were wedding guests. They set out to make this guy's day. They found him at the Moose Lodge. He had spent most of the money,and flushed everything in the wallet down the toilet. The officers made his write Mark out an IOU, sign it, initial it, had a witness also sign. They retrieved about $60 and most of the credit cards. They were heroes when the returned to the reception. Someone came up with the idea that Mark and Krista should send a copy of the IOU and a letter detailing the whole thing to Jay Leno. Couldn't you just see it now....


Miss Yvonne said…
Wow, That's a wedding story that will be told for the rest of their lives! Glad the good guys were there to find the perp. I bet there are a lot of storeis about those three boys. Knowing Bryce and having met Jeremy, I an imagine all the mischief they got into over they years.
Anonymous said…
oh look at the boys all grown up. We want to hear about Cass too.

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