A Look Around the Yard

I am so pooped from working in 90 degree plus weather and dodging raindrops to work today. So, instead I walked around this cool morning taking pictures of the developing yard...remember the six year plan...We are thrilled with the vegetables that we have been able to grow so far. We feel like real farmers. The lettuce is out and the pole beans are in. They are coming up but I am afraid we might not get too many of them...seems the squirrels have found the baby sprouts. Every time I go out the backdoor there are squirrels scurrying away, jumping to the fence and running as fast as they can to the trees in the back. The zucchini and yellow squash are doing great. I think we might have enough for the entire neighborhood. One neighbor told me that you can fry the blossoms and that they are delicious...only draw back is that by eating the blossoms there will be no fruit. I'll have to think on that one. We might miss all the zucchini bread in the fall and winter.We have peas! Lots of them. I sampled one last night and they are still small but really sweet. I think we might have a bumper crop by the end of next week. The carrots are still hiding. Michael checks them everyday. He can't wait to have carrot sticks. We didn't know what this green clump was going to be until we saw it bloom...stella doras. We had them in WI all over the place but here, only one bunch. I'm sure that I can split them after they bloom and make at least three other clumps. Mark has been trying to grow hydrangeas for years. They remind him of his grandmother. We finally have a very small bush...but it has lots of blue blossoms. And an added bonus, the big fly. I tried to blow it off, shake the bush...nothing, he was there for what ever I was handing out. Kinda cool anyway. This is the year that the big chicken feeder is in the shade. Always before it has been in the sun with marigolds. This year the shade with Impatients. The slugs or squuirrles must not like the taste of these leaves because they are all sitll in tact .We are hoping to seem some kind of blooms on this clemetis this year. It has finally taken a growing spirt. It is almost to the top of the bed frame. We hope that in a few years that it will be running along the bottom of the roof. Got any guesses as to the color?Betsy has to be the second best garbage picker that I know (yes, Yvonne, you are still number one in my book). She found this old tub at Daniel's house, he was actually getting ready to throw it away...she said no...Jan would love that for her yard. And right she was. Mark got me some wave petunias. I'm not a real fan of petunias but I think they are doing well in the hosta bed. I just have to remember to water them and pinch them back everyday. The lamp post clemetis seems to be growing at a snails pace. We had this color on our lamp post in WI and it was absoulty stunning.
Wish you could have seen it! The sun is sinking low, or it is getting ready to rain again...better go put all the tools away and take one more walk around.


The Oakes said…
wow mom that was quite the tour. love the graduation photos too. he looks shy but very proud.
Miss Yvonne said…
You crack me up. There will never be another pair of garbage pickers like us. I was jsut telling Lori M and Lynn that you used to call me and we'd send the kids to get stuff from the garbage. They told me that they walk on Monday nights and pick stuff from garbage as they're walking. Lynn said she even takes a wagon sometimes and Lori has a flash light. I'm joining them this Monday, it won't be the same without you. I'll let you know what we find. GOt two tennis raquets on my own last week. Garden looks great. I still say you've accomplished more in one year there than you did in the first year here.
The Oakes said…
just checking up on you. you should change you paragraph on the side of you blog.....we aren't in KS anymore and Ellis won't be the only one you could duplicate stories on. by the way the materials in the mail. let me know when you get it and if you understand my drawings.

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