Last Fun Day of Preschool

Logan and Michael will be going to different elementary schools next fall. Kelly, Logan's Mom, and I have decided that we need to get the boys together in the summer. They are a really nice family. And the boys could be brothers. They make a good team...Logan is the athlete and Michael is the brain surgeon...if you get what I mean. Bryce would call him something else....As you can see, Michael really thinks that his "07" is the best thing since sliced bread. He is so proud of it. He wears it all day . And he is always checking it to see if the yellow "07" is turned the right way. At night he takes it off very gently and hangs it on his doorknob. Too priceless. If the dog ever gets a hold of it we are in for a mess of hurt. Notice the art work on the t-shirt. The entire class had matching shirts...even all three teachers. Each hand print had the name of a friend. I'm not sure how long he will be able to wear this shirt...little snug...think it was bought just a tad too small, but that is okay. We were so glad that the teachers had set up lots of water stations on the playground. Thursday was the hottest day so far this year...and wouldn't you know that we were on a blacktopped playground for out last day of FUN at school. Here, Michael, John (who is moving to TX) and Caroline, Mrs. Galbraith and Caroline's Mom working the water. I think John finally turned around and gave all the adults a good squirt. Michael kept shooting the bull eye until the paper gave way. Then Ms. Westerman stood behind it and she got her shorts soaked. She didn't care...she actually asked for more. Michael is ready to move up to the big school now. Today he had his backpack ready to go to school...Kindergarten....Sarah just shakes her head...summer is for taking it easy and sleeping in...someday he will learn!

Sarah's Job Hunt Update....Today we were in just about everywhere close to our house that was unlocked and had someone to answer questions. We found out that most places you need to be at least 16, some 18. But we did fill out two applications on line and turned an application in. Keep your fingers crossed that we get an email or a phone call from one of them.


Anonymous said…
Thank goodness it is finally somehting other than flowers. I thought that you were getting way to old! Well I think that the shirt looks great it shows off his guns! Sarah I think that you should get a job at a nursery and then maybe mom and dad would get a discount on plants! Oh and of course everyone knows about Michael's friend that is moving to Texas, I mean it is his favorite State!
Miss Yvonne said…
I think Sarah working at nursery is a great idea. I'm sure she'll find something soon. Michael looks great in that T-shirt.

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