Headed to Kindergarten

Last night was our last graduation for this year. Michael has been hearing all about every one's graduation ceremonies and parties...we we had to have a party celebrating his graduation to Kindergarten...We heard that "there is a lady going to talk for a little bit, and then we have to walk up when she calls our name, like John Young, and we walk up shake her hand and take the paper and then go back and sit quietly". And that is just what he did.We had to take pictures of all of Michael's "awards". He is so very very proud of his "07" necklace. The book of the Year in Preschool is priceless. It was been a great year! Ms. Westerman has gotten Michael off to a great start...she knows that he has a little bit of a stubborn streak. She also knows that he has lots of potential and knows how to direct his little mind. She has been great...very consistent and very caring.
Ms. Swift loves Michael to death. I think that she might have let him get by with a little more than Ms. Westerman. She loves all the kids equally, but there is a little twinkle in her eye when she talks about Michael. She was always the first to show me his work..the work that she was amazed that he could do.
We had gone to a graduation party on Sunday and they had these graduation hats. Michael just knew that we had to have them at his party. So yesterday right before we left for graduation we were throwing these together. He loves them...who wouldn't they are chocolate and peanut butter...they are pretty cute. This morning when I checked there were four left...Hmmmm, wonder who keeps sneaking them?


Miss Yvonne said…
Well if it's cholcolate, i know who's eating them. Miss those Bon bons do you?
Anonymous said…
Kindergarten graduation! I never got one of those! :o) I have to agree with you about the last blog from KS, I found it SUPER sad to read! I definitely wasn't ready to lose them, but at least I'll see them when I visit my fam!
Miss Yvonne said…
Dale read this blog. I think he may bring some chocolate in July. (:
Miss Yvonne said…
Dale read this blog. I think he may bring some chocolate in July. (:

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