A Day on the River

Emmy made our day today...she called and wanted to go canoeing and kayaking on the Little Miami...six miles...four hours later...thank heavens we were going downstream! We had several high spots and a few low ones too. We took turns with the kayak. Sarah is pretty good...lots of practice at church camp in WI. She thought she was really good until she took a little spill and lost her paddle, the kayak, and her shoes. She was lucky. A family was taking a break on the "sandy beach" and the Dad waded out to help her get the kayak to shore. This was the first swimming hole. Michael watered the trees and kept having to dump the rocks out of his shoes. He thought it was great fun...thumbs up as you can see. I wish I had taken my hand shovel...we saw some ditch lilies that would have looked great in the backyard. We saw a deer walking along the river, several blue heron, a school of gar (ugly fish), some silly high school kids on the rope swing and a family of turtles sunning on an old log.Mark stayed up until 3AM working on figuring out how to put a video in here...so to see Emmy and Michael riding the ripples click on the link under Michael's picture on the right...That is all that he wanted to do...pull over and get out to swim in the water...something I never dreamed that he would enjoy. Who knows, Michael may end up being the only one from the family to be a guide on the New River in WV. He LOVED it! Thanks Emmy!


Anonymous said…
The Oakes said…
love this post! wow the usa raft instructors would proud. i think i see sarah's summer job in the future and tell michael he looks like a natural at paddling. i just wish we had a few pictures of the author of this blog.
Anonymous said…
well lets start witht he spelling mistakes either gammy has been hitting the bottle to numb the pain of the rapids or she is worn out from all the extra paddling that she had to do because her "captin" in the front was not the greatest. it is Kayak! and I am pretty sure there were alot of pictures of the author but some how they did not make it to the blog. like mother like daughter!
Anonymous said…
get to rowing!!!
Miss Yvonne said…
The gang loved the video and picture. Braeden says, "hi Michael.." Tommy and Tyler, "hi we miss you michael," Jennifer syas ditto. Wow, great pictures, that looked like a fun time. Want to do it again in July!?!
Miss Yvonne said…
We were looking at the rest of the blog. Jennifer and Braeden kept saying hi to Michael and Aunt Jan because tehy hear Michael laughing on the video and thought you could hear them back. They kept saying, "why isn't michael talking back to us any more?" lol
Anonymous said…
great pictures that girl with Michael in the water looks really fun! I wish that I could go next time! Big Nate
The Oakes said…
love the addition of Riding the Ripples. Let me know what kinda creatures the ER docs say Michael has crawling inside of him from drinking that nasty water!
Anonymous said…
Yuck Caz that is sick. but you are exactly right I am sure we all have creepy crawlies now but oh well we all need more friends.

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