Celebrating One Year

Today, Sunday, June 10, 2007 is exactly one year, same Sunday, that we moved into the house on the hill. I wish I had pictures, but then again I don't think I want to remember what it looked like..it wasn't pretty..but had great bones. We had a little help redoing the inside but that was a breeze compared to working in the yard. We've taken out trees, taken out bushes, replanted the same bushes in a different place, unearthed rocks and then more rocks, had nightmares of all the weeds , junk, junk, and more junk...added garbage picking junk from four different states thanks to garbage-pickers-in-training until the yard looks like this.
We still have along way to go. Good thing I got nothin' but time on my hands. We have planted plants from three different states, two different climate zones, and two different time zones. I'd say that most of them have made it. Right now I am in the market for a few more bushes and some more iris...we are going home this weekend for a wedding so I am sure that the back of the van will be as full as I can get it. Mark is going to shoot me! We all might be holding flowers on our laps. Remember all those rocks I told you we found and are still finding...we ended up using them to make flower beds. They are everywhere! But the thing is, we need more for some paths that we want to make. That's okay I know where there are a ton of creek bed rocks we can "pick up". This morning on our morning walk around the yard, we found that our butterfly bush had one lone bloom. We were so excited...I know, we're old...I hope the butterflies find it and then maybe the humming birds might come back. When we rounded the corner in the backyard this morning, I was thrilled to see a blossom on the pumpkin vine. I am shocked that the deer haven't found these yet.
Every time I cut Michael's hair I sprinkle it around the plants. So far so good! This is my first hosta bed...around the big oak tree...yea..the squirrels have been busy planting acorns all over the yard and I have to pick them out...I could plant them all and we would have a forest in the back yard! Anyway, these hosta are from WI. They were a border around the iris in front of the house. Now they stand guard with the oak. It stays shady there all day long, a great place to relax and read a book....just wait until we put in the stone patio..in about 3 years. Our new hosta bed under the pines. Soon we will have pine needle mulch under here to keep the hosta nice a moist. I think it might be one of my favorite beds...I think they are all my favorite beds after we get them just right. Well, I'm off to make our list of things we are to do tomorrow in the yard...Sarah and Michael love it! NOT!


Anonymous said…
i'm wondering about the hair sprinkling...what's up with that?
Miss Yvonne said…
I love reading about all the plants you have put in and the various states they have come from. Everytime I wander my garden, there are beds we made together. I have liberated a few plants from next door and planted them in the berm and along the north side of the house. As soon as they look good, I'll take pictures.
Miss Yvonne said…
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The Oakes said…
love the photos. let us know how the pumkins go, we will never know how our own fared. and im with leigh ann....whats with the hair, you've got to explain that one.
Anonymous said…
First of all...the house looks great. I didn't see it in the beginning, but I LOVE it now! Second, I agree that we need to make a trip to CO to see the fam! I'm ready when you are! :o)

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