Cass Scenic Railroad

Most of you know that Michael LOVES trains! This last weekend he probably thought that he had died and gone to heaven. After Mark and Krista's wedding, we were able to drive to Cass, WV to ride Cass Scenic Railroad to the top of Bald Knob...a five hour trip... Since it was Father's Day we thought it would be great if my Dad got to experience the trip with his grandson. You see, when my sister and I were little, we made this same trip up the mountain. I really don't know who was most excited! We got up bright and early so we would be able to walk around a little before loading up on the train. The first thing you always have to do it spend money. So here we are gathering energy to shop at the company store. You name it, they have it. We did manage to spend a few dollars on a t-shirt and a train picture for Michael's room. Michael was so afraid that the train was going to go off and leave him that he made Peep get on the train and find a good seat. It was a good thing they did because by the time the rest of us got on it was standing room only....and remember that it is almost a five hour trip up the mountain and back. You can't imagine the sounds and smells as you are chugging up the mountain. The whistle blows and you hear Michael laugh and squeal with excitement. (Be sure to check the link on the right side of the page to hear the engineer blow his whistle as he waves to Michael and returns the train to the shed.) When ever there was any kind of clearing so that you could see the mountains, I was taking pictures. Then today when I am looking at them there are smudges on the pictures. I finally decided that the smudges were ashes and cinders from the smoke stack. I can remember as a little girl, my Mom making my sister and I were our bandannas and head scarves to keep the junk out of our hair. Here Michael is at the half way point, Whittaker Station. We had a little picnic there. Emmy swears that it was the best $10 she ever spent on hot dogs. There was also a reconstructed logging camp, complete with the workers shanties and a camp train. We were told that the day before our trip, some of the passengers spotted a black bear. Well, you know that we all were hoping to see one. But no such luck...but we did see a deer running up the tracks, two fawns, a deer bedded down under a rock ledge, a large deer standing at the tree line, a grouse and two hawks..couldn't tell what kind. Sarah wanted proof that she did ride a train to the top of this mountain for 5 hours...just to have her picture taken with the mountains in the background. On a clear day they say that you can see clear into VA. I believe it. The mountains roll on and on forever. I'm not sure but I think Emmy was asking Michael to help her find a good place to jump so that she could be put out of her misery. She wasn't looking forward to the ride back down the mountain. Remember what Sarah Beth always says..."Let's make a memory".All I can say is that John Denver had it right when he sang..."take me home country roads, to the place I belong, West Virginia, Mountain Momma, take me home, country roads".


Anonymous said…
well first off mom I want to thank you for showing everyone my fat butt. If you look at all of your pictures of the weekend you will notice that I am only in a few! There was a reason. hey but I notice that you are not in any. Well maybe I will start my own blog about you since I don't have a kid to write about, and elderly parent will do I guess.
Anonymous said…
I want to formally apologize for hurting feelings. I was just kidding! Sorry!
Miss Yvonne said…
Emmie, I think your own blog is a good idea. That way we'll see more pictures of your mom. The train ride looked pretty cool even if it was long. Imagie all that black soot in the old west for miles and miles. No wonder our environment needs help if we hurt it for so long with things like coal burning engines.
Miss Yvonne said…
Cool video. I really like those.

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