BIGGEST Parade ever

Thurs evening we waited two hours in our chairs along RT 50 for the Frontier Days Parade. I had heard about it from our neighbors..."big parade" they kept telling me. Big parade true...140 plus pictures of kids, old people, dogs, floats, cheerleaders, football players, name it they were in it. Here is just a smattering of what we consider to be the Best Of Parade...Mark called to tell us that he was on his way did we need anything...snacks and drinks...Michael was in seventh heaven...he got an American flag and a bag of candy from one of Sarah's friend's Mom...and more snacks when Dad shows up. Sarah had a good time seeing friends in the parade and telling me about who they were. Hopefully today we will be able to make our way down to the lawn mower races. There has been a guy racing up and down our street all week...we gotta go see if he is a winner or not. Next time you go to the library, ask your librarians if they can march in a parade while doing figure eights and Canadian geese "V"'s". The best I have ever seen. I was cracking up. I thought this was the sweetest...ladies from the nursing home being pushed in their wheel chairs by caregivers. The lady in the blue must have had the caregiver that just had a Red Bull. They were doing donuts and wheelies all over the place. She was throwing her head back and laughing from the tips of her toes. She was having a great time1.. Bet they both slept good that night. Where's Brutus when you need him? There were about 10 old' Basket hounds" dressed for a luau. The fun thing about the was..right in front was a trailer with water and soft blankets for then to rest on if they got tired while walking in the parade. They all looked so tired and we were at the beginning of the parade. Sarah explained to me that the two boys carried the banner are the two sons of the man who had coached football in the youth league for years. He suddenly died this past winter. All the football players, at least 300 of them, wore their jerseys and all the cheerleaders, about 600 of them, cheered along the route. A nice honor and remembrance. All good things must come to an end. Michael was wanting more...I think if there had been more he would have stayed until dark. Once again he was trying to figure out how they made all the floats, especially the train and spaceships. I was excited to go home and shower and get our of my soggy clothes.


The Oakes said…
well either you live in the stix or you came make anything sound a little redneck. librarians in a parade??? i do agree though, i think the nursing home ladies are cute and i bet that parade is the highlight of their summer!

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