Beans and Sweet Flowers

I just had to show you what a little fertilizer and rain can do. Remember the beans that I planted in the mounds just the other day...take a look at these beans soon as we harvest Michael's "carrot sticks" we plan to put in four more hills.

Last week, Skyer came down to play. He lives two doors up the street. When it was time to go home, his Mom came down to get him. I had been working in the yard all day. She said that we must be the hardest working family on the street. She is amazed at all of us, Sarah and Michel included, work so hard. We got to talking and found out that her Mom was a gardener. She went home and brought a shadowbox picture frame of her Mom's garden and little gardening trinkets. Then a few days later she came with this little flower. She said that her Mom always called it a Surprise Lily. She found them in the flower boxes at the house she lives in now and that is that sold her on buying the house. I looked into my big gardening encyclopedia and found it to be a rain lily. The blossom is closed until it rains...then you get this...a delicate pink blossom...I love it. Right now we have three blooms and at least four more coming on.


Anonymous said…
ok, that little picture of the porch says that there's a glass of SWEET tea with my name on it waiting at YOUR house...when did you start buying sugar for the tea? does that mean you buy paper towels now too???
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Leigh crack us up! Oh, to remember those days..humble yourself
Anonymous said…
and i never see a brussels sprout without thinking of you. the things we do for love and friendship. (and to still be allowed to come camp out at the ellis home.)
The Oakes said…
like all of the new updates to you page mom. Michael looks like a stud and im wondering what kind of job sarah is hoping for. let her know that if she is seeing sandwich artist in her future that i can help her pass the test. im pretty sure it is still 2 slices of cheese for every 6 inches and extra bacon is fifty cents.
Miss Yvonne said…
That little pink flower is adorable. I bet you start collecting flowers from them too. I hope you're writing all of this down, what a neat thing to get plants form so many pople. You should really set up a plant excahnge. I'm in.

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