Avalanche Ranch VBS

Another full week around here....Tuesday morning we headed about 30 minutes to MWBC for VBS...Avalanche Ranch...We wore our cowboy and cowgirl hats, our bandannas and a smile. Michael made many new friends in the Kindergarten class. sure to check out his "Michael Rocks" on the right side of the page... Sarah helped in crafts...Betsy always has the coolest crafts and the best pick-me-up-snacks...I was lucky enough to be able to help with the 1st and 2nd graders...all 25 plus of them. The Day Care from church always participates by bringing children and finding teachers to help "corral" the cowpokes. Thank heaven for them all.

And we "rode" with the Racer Girls...Cassie, check out Hunter's shirt...(Momma likes good boys, I like cowboys and Daddy likes no boys). Sharone ran the AV equipment, Kaela was a crew leader in the Preschool class, which she has done for the last 7 years, and Hunter helped with Michael's class. She thinks that he is pretty funny. I also think that they provided all the horse things for decorations.

Michael was full of them this week but I'll have to say that his answer to..."what did you do at VBS today?" "Well, Mom we learned how to "raise" the Lord"... had to be the best.

Haley and Owen are always fun! After the closing program we all enjoyed lunch and a movie. We went to see Evan Almighty.

Haley sat with Michael. And of course he talked thru the entire movie. The three guys in front of us got a little upset....but he's only 5 and he likes to discuss the movies when he is watching...it is a good, funny movie that I might have to see again without the jabber-jaw so I can get all the jokes. A great end to a Great week.

Camera update:This morning we went to church for Children's Day- Promotion Sunday and a recap of the week...and don't you know, our camera is on the fritz. I have already been in touch with Sony and hopefully within 6 hours we will be up and running again. I am sure that you are crushed that there are no more pictures to view.....


The Oakes said…
Michael looks like a real cowboy, if only sharone had some chaps that were his size! i couldn't tell what hunters shirt said so you will have to fill me in.
Anonymous said…
hey, we're on here too...i can't email you still, for some reason.
Anonymous said…
Oh how fun is VBS I am so glad that you got a picture of Michale's friend that likes hot dogs.
Connie said…
Hey Jan,

Of course I remember you! It's been a LONG time! How fun to chatch up on your lives! I can't wait to read a few more of your posts! I'm gonna put you on my "list". JD (our 3 year old) Just had his first year at "VBS"...though he pronounced it "BBS". Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading more updates!
Anonymous said…
Looks like VBS was so much fun! We are doing that one as well, I am really excited about it! Should be lots and lots of fun!
Miss Yvonne said…
Michael's idea of "raise the Lord" is absolutely precious!!! VBS looked like a lot of fun. Hannah and DJ are doing a week at Fox River right before we come down to see you.

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