The Three Stoogies

Yesterday was so hot that we had to pull out the fire hydrant to keep cool. Emmy called and said that she and the girls were on their way over for some fun in the sun.Michael with the girls. We love when they come over. This Friday we are going out to lunch with them for Michael's extra effort certificate from school and to celebrate Emmy's last day with the girls before summer starts. Not that we are excited that it is their last day together but that summer is starting and they will be having fun with their parents all summer and Emmy will be with the boys for the summer.It this a Miss American pose or what? This was as close to the water that Grace got. She was all cocked back in a chair sunning herself with crackers and lemonade. The boots are such a great accessory!


Anonymous said…
What GREAT outfits!!! Ladybug take notes!!!
Miss Yvonne said…
Those girls are so adorable. They are blessed to have Emmy looking after them.

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