Sarah's Freshman Awards

Molly has a little cousin company when it comes to sports and academic awards. Little did we know...A recap of Sarah's freshman year throwing the shot put and discus...Second place at the Middie Magic Relays (shot put), second at the Anderson Redskins Not Really Relays (shot put), and fourth (discus), and a JV meet at the Anderson Invitational second (shot put). Not too shabby I'd say! So we now have a Varsity letter , class numbers, a medal and three ribbons, a certificate, and those flying feet. Not to be popping any buttons on our shirts, but she also received an Honor Roll Certificate with a 3.5 GPA..which includes Honors Geometry and Honors English. To say the least, we are extremely proud!


Anonymous said…
Way to go Sarah!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Good Job Sarah!!!! I don't get the popping buttons though. Is that a fat joke?
The Oakes said…
why does anonymous think everything is a fat joke? way to go personal favorite is the honor roll....something I never acheived...oh and what in the world is an ellis doing in honors math?
Miss Yvonne said…
Holly cow sarah, you did a great job this year. Keep up the good worka nd maybe in a few year syou can come visit us, or not. (:
Miss Yvonne said…
When is she getting her school letter jacket?

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