Mr. Greenthumbs in Training

I think Terry has been bitten by the horticulture bug...he is actually working with his yard and developing new flower beds. Emmy, Michael and I were in Huntington for Molly's graduation last weekend. We loaded up the tiller, the edger, my newest pair of garden gloves, all kinds of gas cans and of course snacks....and we were off to sweat profusely in the humidity and heat...nothing better than smelling ripe.
We worked peat moss into the clay soil and added a little mushroom compost when planting the flowers along the wall...there are dahlias, black-eyed susans, and two different types of lilies. It looks really nice.We had to work the soil here pretty much like we did on the other side of the brick wall. Lisa wants to add a few peonies to remind her of her grandmother. Terry bought an astilbie, one of Mark's favorite flowers. Then Pap dug up some flowers for me and I shared one with Terry...can't remember the name of it for the life of me...but I will find out that then let you know because I know that you won't be able to sleep until you now the name of that plant.
While we were working ourselves into a heat stroke, Mamaw made sure that the boys were cool and entertained. Trevor and Michael were having a great time in the dunk tank...AKA...large trash can filled with cold water.
Looks like Michael is about to take one right in the face...Looks like everything is okay and nobody got hurt. They had a great time...and then we used watering cans with the water from the dunk tank to water all the flowers in the yard. We had great fun and I think Terry has found a new hobby.


Miss Yvonne said…
I need to know the name of that flower, son't get any sleep until I do. Love the dunk tank. We're going to have to try that this summer. Flowers look great. Wherever you go, you teach some one how to fill the earth with plants.

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