Molly's Graduation 2007

Emmy, Michael and I loaded up the car good clothes and headed to Huntington to see Molly graduate from high school.I wish I could tell all the stories that I heard this weekend from Molly, Dustin and Molly's friends. As soon as Emmy got off work, we jumped in the car and headed out for yet another "field trip". The party was underway when we finally go there...eating, swimming, corn hole, trampoline, and just hanging out. Everyone was shocked and thrilled with all the awards and scholarship money that Molly earned. Molly had everything displayed on a table in the family room. I have never seen so much stuff! You would never know how smart Molly is...she is a very quiet young lady but has a wit that makes you laugh until you cry...or worse. You would never know that she was in a room. But if you are sitting by her, look out, she is quick to come up with something for just about ever situation. These are just few of the awards that she received. I think everyone was shocked and thrilled all at the same time at the amount of scholarships and awards that she received. Peep got all dressed up and came with a bum knee to see her walk across the stage last night. He was walking a little taller last night. Can you see proud as punch written on his face? Peep seemed to beaming with all of his girls yesterday. Not to be out done by any means, Emmy had to get her picture taken also. Zach even was in on all the festivities...that is Molly's boyfriend. He graduated last year and goes to Marshall. Now the hard part for Molly...trying to decide where to go to Pharmacy School. She has been accepted at The University of Cincinnati or The University of Charleston.
We would love to see her go to UC so we could be here if she needed anything but we know that her Mom would love for her to be closer to home. Where ever she decides to go I know she will do great things. Congratulations Molly...Job beyond well done! We are all very proud!


Miss Yvonne said…
What is "corn Hole"? Great job Molly. Pharmacy is a super choice. Good luck on figuring out the school. UC would be great. It's not too far from home but far enough to gain independence. There's also a few folks to keep an eye on you.
Anonymous said…
wOw is that my It's all sinking in....I'm so very proud. And thanks to the Ellis family for coming and sharing the weekend with us. We had a ball......

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