Last "Fied Trip" to KS

Early, very early, last Wednesday morning we loaded up the van with lots of stuff for Cassie and Trevor and tons of treasures for the rummage sale. We crossed five states, the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and 11 hours later we were in KS. There were a few bright spots on the way...lunch at Culver's, one of our favorite places in WI to go with the Bresson's after church or just about anytime we needed something really good....they have the best chocolate custard that you would ever want to eat!
Ella is a great traveler. My Dad gave us a great traveling kennel and she loves it. The only time we heard from her was when she needed to get our and take care of business. Sarah tried a first..chicken livers...this from the girls that wouldn't eat anything but cheeseburgers when she was little. She says that they were pretty good...yuck is what I say! We worked long and hard...harder when Ellis was taking his afternoon nap. We were able to pack up all the things that Trevor and Cassie aren't using and made plans for all the stuff for easier loading on moving day. While we were there the real estate agent had several showings. We are praying that someone loves the house and buys it before they move to CO. We did make sure to make time to do some of the fun things too...after a hard day of packing and cleaning we would have dinner and then go for ice cream at Baskin-Robbins. Here we all are in our finest..licking up all that we can. There are no B-R in our area so we get it when we can...and as often as we can. One of our favorite parks is close to the has a train, a playground, and lots of squirrels for Ella to try to catch. We all had to take our last train ride together on the train. Our engineer was awesome. I have ridden this train several times and never have I heard the history of the train and the park. And he was so funny. I almost paid again to hear the stories one last time. After the train ride we have to go play on all the playground equipment. That day every school in the area must have decided to have a picnic. We couldn't play on some of our favorite things because the lines were so long. But Ellis did manage to kiss all the statues. Here he is kissing Gammy's favorite zoo animal, the gorilla. This little turtle is tucked into the bushes and he really isn't too much fun, he just stands there guarding the park...but Ellis loved climbing on him. Also, you can see that Cassie is now showing...oh, we just got a call, we will be having a little bundle of pink joy at the end of October. YEA!!!! I don't know how Trevor will h andle a little girl, pink and frills and wait Cassie never had frills (that is not unless her grandmothers provided them). Just hope Ellis is up for the challenge!
Friday and Saturday we were up early...earlier than the "rummagers" in KS...for our weekend sale. End of story...I think about $150 was made...enough to buy a working dryer and youth bed that matches Ellis's furniture perfectly for the rummage sale three doors down....Michael bought a fishing pole and Sarah made out like a bandit....CD's and purses galore! One truck load to Good Will and a little clean up...all said and done Without some of the stuff that Pepaw sent and all the goodies that the family that lived in the house before left in the garage and other trinkets we picked up along the way, I am sure we would not have had such great luck...and then there was the Queen...Cassie is crowning Sarah the Rummage Queen. Sarah spent two days manning the driveway selling and collecting the profits while the rest of us packed the house. She was like a magnet...everyone came and bought treasures when she was out. When any of us tried to sell, we bombed...The Rummage Queen..we bow down. Everyone helps, even down to the smallest. Ellis was actually pulling with all his was a heavy box. He looked so proud when we finally got it moved to the other side of the kitchen. Cassie and Trevor took us to a really neat configured especially for special needs children. The boys loved it...they had the entire park to themselves. Ellis loved the yellow slide. He must have gone down 10 times. By the look on his face, can't you hear him giggle? Michael kept us racing around the playground. This was one of the stations in the had to dig a big hole and then cover it back up before you could go on to something else. He was the big winner.Ella and Ellis became best friends really quick. Ella thought she had won the lottery with all the baby thing ready for easy pickin'..her newest favorite chew toy is pacifiers. Ellis used to have lots of them....We were so glad that Ella could bring something that Ellis would like to play with..sorta like they were is Ellis resting in Ella's kennel. One other visit to the kennel, Ellis dropped the kids off at the pool...if you know what I mean...we were airing out his diaper rash...and I am hoping that you can figure out the rest with not much more detail...This is one of my favorite shots of Ellis...I just wonder what he is thinking? There are so many more stories and plenty of pictures from our trip...but I am afraid I don't have another minute to sit here and go thru them with you. You'll have to check out Cassie's blog to catch the rest of the story....


Anonymous said…
Sounds like you were busy, busy! I wish we could have seen you guys a little more, but it was good to at least say hi in church. We are definitely going to miss them, but will see them in CO...So excited for a little girl! :o)
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Sarah, I wanted to come say I to Ccmdyn but had to gt to the nursery to say good-bye to Ellis and shed a few tears. I will keep checking your blog long after the big move. So nice the way that the families are taking care of all my kids, big and little.
Miss Yvonne said…
Wow, what a week you had there. I sure could use the rummage queen here. My sale was a big bust. Took everything to Love, Inc afterwards. Michael looked like he was having a blast and Ella too. I havent seen a big brother t-shirt on Ellis yet. I'm supprised grammy or aunt Emmie didn't get him one yet. A girl, that's wonderful. Gee, are you ready for another nice long car trip?!?!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Yvonne, look on Cassie's blog...there is an announceent and Ellis has on a red Big Brother t-shirt.
The Oakes said…
wow you took way more pictures than i did! i posted a little bit but im hoping that people who want the real story just revert back to your blog.

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