Fun in the Sun

Yesterday Michael and I traveled to Mason, OH to see the District Meet for the field events. Sarah and Kim were the two throwers for the high school..a freshman and a sophomore...not to shabby I'd say! Zach helped to tape her wrist. It has been hurting when she throws and the coaches thought that if she were taped that she would have little more power...I think she was just a lot nervous. Both coaches told her not to worry about it, just pretend that she was at practice. She was in the fourth flight. Three throws averaging 26 feet wasn't quite enough to make it to the finals of nine and then the top four go on to Regionals and then to State. She plans to lift this summer and be ready to better her PR of 31'1 and 1/2". We are really proud of all her accomplishments this year! Go Sarah!
This morning while Michael was in school, Mark and I took Ella to the Bark Park. Mark has been hearing us talk about it and has never been there.....for all you CHEESEHEADS...Ella is now tall enough to drink out of the bubbler.


Anonymous said…
hey jan...send me your email
Miss Yvonne said…
Great Job Sarah. Lift a few reps every day and you'll be ready for next year. The bark park looks cool. Can't wait to take Tanner there with Ella in July. For those of you who are not cheeseheads, a bubbler is a water fountain.

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