Flowers Galore in the backyard

I had great plans to work in the yard all day but oh no, mother nature just blew hot, humid air our way. I tried to work in the shade but it was still unbearable. So I decided to walk the yard and take some get to see what is blooming this week.Terry, this is what your astible will look like. This one has a pink flower. They come in several colors. And spread out as they grow. After the flowers bloom you need to trim off the dead flower stems.This is one of my favorite buckets. It is on the porch of the barn in the backyard.I love sweet potato vines. They vine nicely if they get enough water and the color is awesome. The planter in this picture is on an old stool and a bucket....adds some interest in a dull place in the yard.Look at those peas! They are taller than the trellis and the fence. Finally we are getting some blooms and maybe in a few weeks we will be eating peas...and I don't even like them. We finished up all the broccoli tonight at dinner. Tomorrow we will be planting carrots, green beans and cucumbers.These beautiful little iris are popping up all over the yard...I call the Joe's iris...they came from Joe's yard. I still have a big bucket to plant. They look awesome by the big dark purple bearded iris that are blooming here and there.Renee's little rose bush that is in between our driveways finally decided to bloom. I think it is a miniature knock-out rose. There is a little yellow rose bush right by it. The blooms seem very delicate because if the wind blows the petals drop off. They don't stay around very long.Yvonne, do you recognize this little flower? It grows to be big really quick. And it was in the front bed and the gate bed by your house? Cat mint...just for you!Mark says that I have the name of this hosta wrong...I think it is a Guacamole...Mark says no but he can't remember what it is. I know that since it has a little yellow tone to can tolerate the sun.Today I was surprised to see that this Asiatic lily had bloomed. I think I brought the bulb from WI last year.Terry bought me two Ornamental Mona Lisa lily. I have put all of the lilies in one bed and I think they will be beautiful when the all get there roots and get fertilized for next spring.Last but not least, this yellow yarrow. Mark bought this as a very small plant about a month ago. We are trying to make a bed that is the length of the fence on the right side of the yard. This stuff grows like crazy and I think it will be great! Tomorrow they are calling for the nineties and another smog alert...that means most of the day we will be inside because of Michael's asthma. Guess I had better be out there watering as soon as the sun comes up.


Miss Yvonne said…
The yard is looking great. Too bad I can't steal a few peas when they're ready.

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