Finally, Fun in the Yard

Again the weather has not been cooperating...well, the rain has made everything pop...but I haven't been able to get outside...the little man has been sick..asthma,allergies, cutting molars and night terrors all in the last 3 fun filled days and very long nights. Today he seemed to be better. We even got to go outside a little while today. But he didn't feel like eating dinner..this kid never misses a we knew something was up. Sure enough, his temp was 104.3. Bathtub swimming and Motrin has brought it down a little. So now he is watching one of his favorite Thomas DVD's. The weather was beautiful today and in the high 70's. I took a peep on the other side of the house. The climbing hydrangea is finally taking off. In WI it was smothered by all the hosta but now it it's new home...I think it will do just fine. I was able to drag the dug out shrubs (with Sarah's help) to the edge of the driveway for Mark to get rid of tomorrow. I transplanted more iris and hosta. There are still a million more. I planted a butterfly bush and half planted a sweetspire. I found johnnie-jump-ups and lilies of the valley growing wild. It is so much fun to explore the yard and find plants that weren't there yesterday. In this heat I was able to start a fire..."camp out" as Michael calls it and burn all the twigs and little pieces of brush. I think all but one of the roses we planted earlier will survive in the "bed of roses". I ran across three pods of wisteria seeds. That is my all time favorite plant. I planted them in a pot, so I will be watching it closely to see if anything comes up.Wednesday Betsy and I loaded up our garden gloves, shovels and buckets and headed for WV to get the rest of Papaw's flowers. We managed to get them all in the van. Now the problem is trying to get them all planted before they die. The good thing is that the weather is cool and rainy. I got out and plant in between the rain drops. It has been a hard week for Michael. He ended up with a double ear ear lots worse that the he misses a week of school. He calls it "taking a break from school." Sarah had a meet at AHS this week. Mark was able to go and see her throw the shot and discus. She didn't make her PR but had a good time.Here we have Sarah Ann and Kim...they both throw shot and discus for school. Kim is Sarah's mentor. Kim can throw the shot about 5 feet further than Sarah. But by the looks of things they have a great time.


Anonymous said…
MOM, this is KIM STRUNK, Sarah Elizabeth is Kim's little sister!
The Oakes said…
i love your anonymous comment.....lets just say you would be kicked out of journalism have to get your story straight......looks like you are okay for now though. you can always trust sarah ANN to set you straight.

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