Spring Surprises
Surprises are bursting out all over the yard...from the very small to large trees budding like I have never seen before...these have to be the smallest seeds that are sprouting.
Last year when our company from WI was here, all the kids carved jack-o-lanterns. I kept some of the seeds hoping to plant them this spring for a pumpkin or two this year. So far we have about 5 sprouting. Now I just have to figure out where in the yard to plant the seeds. I also sent some seeds to Cassie for Ellis to have a pumpkin to watch grow...once a teacher, always a teacher.
These little grape hyacinths just keep popping up everywhere. I think we could have had a million more but then they first started coming up I thought they were wild onions. I have learned my lesson...wait to see if it blooms.
I am not quite sure what this one is. But I do know that is should have more blooms than this. Someone might have accidentally stepped on it and crushed part of the blooms. Looks pretty bad but after I fertilize it and give it some TLC I think it might come back. It is the only one of its kind so far.Then we just have a riot of yellow.
The forsythia bush at the end of the driveway gets more brilliant by the day. The backyard has a smattering of yellow also. I think we still have a few to plant that we for from Papaw last week. My all time favorite are the daffodils that are coming up in the ivy int he front yard. If you look really close you might even see some purple and white crocus popping thru the ivy.
And they yellow continues in the backyard. There are small clumps of daffodils coming up everywhere you look...several different kinds.Most of the neighbors have some but I can guarantee that we have the most thanks to who ever lived here before us and the family before us.
Even the ones that we thought got frozen by the snow.
Those daffodils look really bad. Brown tips on all the green leaves, but I am told not to cut or pick the off. Maybe if I leave them alone next year they will be stronger and be ableto resist the cold a little more.I know for a fact that the deer don't like the taste of daffodils. I was looking in my flower bibleand found there are hundreds of varieties. Guess that should be a goal...at least have one of each kind before we finish planting...remember that I said we were on the 6 year plan for the back yard.
Mark is not real crazy about forsythia bushes...I love them! Last fall Mark took the pruners to this bush that is at the end of the driveway. He said he did it so we could see when backing out of the driveway...I think he did it so it would be nice and formed not scraggly like I like them. That's okay...we have planted a few more around the yard. And this morning I have noticed several little twigs that are blooming all around the back yard. Then there is the snowflake tree.
It is some sort of magnolia. If you look out our bedroom window you see puffs of white blossoms that seem to be suspended in mid-air.
And last but not least...the transplanted WV rhododendrons. I am so surprised that they survived the windy trip. They are blooming...all of them. And what a beautiful color..Speaking of a beautiful color...you should see my arms, under my chin and above my lip...weed rash...nice and bumpy and red. I won't be posting a picture of that on the blog.....Can't wait to see what comes up in the morning.