Leaf Angels

These definitely are not the leaf angels...if anything they were totally the opposite today. Michael had a really rough day. I think he must have gotten some of Cassie's whining genes, because he worked it all day long. If he wasn't sitting on the step, or on the swing, or on the doorstep in timeout he was whining. Seems to me Cassie was the proud card carrying of the Whiners Club.Here are the actual leaf angels. They crack me up....Michael makes snow angels, sand angels, angels in the bathtub and now leaf angels. The only thing wrong is that his allergies go into overtime. We had a great day outside...I mean 6 hours of yard work. Sarah was ready for bed about dark. I was out working behind the barn and found these pretty little white flowers. I had no clue what they were. So I turned one large clump into about 20 little bunches that are now gracing the front walk all the way to the front door. Today while Betsy was here finishing up her t-shirt quilt, we figured out what they are...snowdrops...go figure. Snow...me...love it!


Miss Yvonne said…
You are jutt blogging away woman. I'm checking every few days now, not just on Mondays. I love the leaf angels. He couldn't really do that too much here, not enout trees. Yesterday, DJ was playing basketball and tripped and fell in the mud. He made a ... you guessed it, mud angel!!! The little white flowers are adorable. It got up to 58 degrees here today. I can't wait to get in the garden.
The Oakes said…
those are really pretty

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