2007 Starts With a BANG!

I have made a New Year's Resolution...one of many...to blog at least once a week...on Sunday...since Trevor shamed me into it. Lots has gone on this week. Let's see where to begin...New Year's has finally come to an end. Family and friends have come and gone. What fun times and great food we did have, so now it is back to the real world. Our school levy did not pass so there is no bus service for Sarah. Mark and Sarah leave around 7AM and arrive at school about 25 minutes later. The first morning they sat at the red light for 15 minutes before Mark muscled his way into traffic. I need to let you know that we live less that 5 minutes from the high school. Michael and I pick Sarah up at 2:25PM. And again we sit in traffic for a long time. The levy is on the ballot again in Feb. I wonder if all those people that are having a tough time with this will vote FOR the levy the next time around? I'll keep you posted. One of Cassie's good friends from Asbury is an awesome photographer...www.honestimage.com She called John to see if he would come to Cincinnati and take some family shots.
All nine of us aren't in the same place very often. The weather did not cooperate...and I guess some of the subjects didn't either. I don't think any of us enjoy having our picture taken. Mark wanted somewhere over looking the city. Somehow we ended up at Eden Park...not a really great look of the city.
Maybe next time we will know exactly which park it is that has the great view. Cassie and Ellis made a quick trip to Huntington to see Pepaw, Mamaw,Papaw and Robin and Molly. She had a great plan, play hard all day, visit with Pepaw on the way out of town, put Ellis in his car seat so he would fall asleep and sleep all the way back to Cincinnati. Great plan. Everything was going great until...about half way home a BIG deer jumped out in front of her. If you want more details you can go to her website..theoakes.blogspot.com...No one was hurt and Ellis never knew what hit them...(ha, ha, ha)...he slept thru the whole thing. Mark called the State Police. I called Uncle Terry. They converged on her about an hour and a half later at the gas station in South Shore, KY. After looking at the damage, Mark decides to drive the van back to Cincinnati with Terry in the lead and Cassie pulling up the rear. I can't believe they made it. What Road Warriors they are! Emmy and I drop "The Deer Slayer Van" off to be repaired and I guess you can say the rest is history. Yesterday we make yet another "field trip" and Michael calls it, to Indy to drop Cassie and Ellis off at the airport so they could get home to Dad in Kansas. (we should buy stock in Southwest Airlines) Michael asked us if it was going to be a long or short airport trip...sorry buddy. For a more complete sroty check out Cassie's blog. And believe it or not, there is a bright side to 2007...Ellis had a few firsts. While at Mamaw and Papaw's Ellis stood from a small stool and took 3-4 steps. But when he got to Gammy's house he walked clear across the family room (8 steps total) to ME! YEA!


Miss Yvonne said…
You just love it when you have lots of company, don't you?!? I know it's hard when everyone leaves, but rest assured they (and we) will be back. In fact, we're planning on invading again in April. Not sure how many troops yet.
Ellis looks like he's about ready to take off. Pretty soon Cassie will have to run to catch up with him.
I hope the levy passes. I'm keeping an eye on it too. Interesting stuff.
Hey How about those Ohio state buckeyes?!? First they loose in the BCS game, then our Wisconsin Badgers beat them in Basketball last night in what the sports folks are calling the final four preview.
The Oakes said…
yeah....a bang in more ways than one!! tell dad he should enter his idea in the "priceless" commercial competion!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the comment! It's so good to get encouragement like that. I definitely think that Cassie is going to be the perfect choice to watch Camdyn, and I couldn't be happier!

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