Heading For Home
We were packed up and on the road by 7:25am. Our plan was to make it to our NY stop for the night by 9PM.
We each had a small section for riding. I don't know where all the stuff came from! And that cargo net and all the stuff in the back always makes me nervous.
We made a little detour to LL Bean. Why not! That place is huge! Store after store after store.
They really didn't want to do it but because they love their Wammy they posed in front of everyone.
Hammocks under the trees. Heaven in my book.
Already reserved my copy on Libby.
We thought seriously about getting these hate...NOT! Another one they did not want to stand for.
Headed in for lunch. We all are tired and starving.
Lunch was delicious. This place was hopping. But back on the road again.
We made it to our stop (8PM) and ordered pizza for dinner. This place was so new that the pool wasn't finished.
Ellis has been faithful to run a mile every day for the last 290+ days. Usually, it is outside but not in NY in the dark with no one to run with him.
The rest of us played on the equipment while he ran.
Good nights sleep and hunger pains in the morning. These two love a good waffle maker.
After eating about $200 worth of breakfast we were again on the road. We listened to Take A Hike.
Thank you, PA! Horrible driving conditions for sure.
We finally pulled into the driveway around 7PM. I was never so glad to get out of the truck!