Pre-Election Sleep-Over
Emmy figured out that if she was going to vote, they were going to have to spend the night here. So late around 9:30PM Emmy and her three crew members landed in Wammyville/NottaLotta.
Saffi and Ernie waiting patiently for their s'mores.
Fiona went to dinner in her pj's. Love it! They had jusut finished with swim practice.
It was a good one!
And this was the breakfast crew this morning. No school for the big kids because of a teacher in service. But the next to littlest member of the Breakfast Club was getting ready to head to PS.
First graduate from Wammyville loves to visit. And we love having her here even if it is just for a day.
And they are headed off to vote with Emmy.
You jsut never know what we will be doing. making something that might be a secret.
He remembered his favorite truck. He tried so hard to get me to let him take it home.
We walked to our favorite climbing wall. I remember when they could hardly climb it. Now it was a piece of cake. Except for the sad little one on the end.
And then they remembered the climbing tree.
And then Emmy returned...and had an extra! Love the shirt!
Carter can read like a flowing river! Amazing!! He read the story before nap time. Amazing!
And the big kids got to have popcorn on the front porch with me while we waited for Cooper and Laney.
Don't think I will ever erase this!
We had a great time! Lots of laugh and remember whens. Just like old times. But man oh man am I pooped!!