Sarah Beth Napier...Warrior

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

not much change in things here, other than sarah
beth was awake a lot yesterday. she had some
emotional moments and was agitated quite a bit.
they are still doing what they can to keep her
pain under control.

some of our family and friends from out of town
have been coming in to see her. she had some times
of music yesterday - she had a call from one of
her favorite musicians, michael w. smith; some
friends from church came yesterday and sang a song
for her earlier in the day, and we had a short
time of singing together last night in her room
with some of our family - sarah beth's request.
and you just don't turn her down if you can help
it. =)

jeremy told me a few minutes ago that she's still
having pain and that the pain med was increased.
she is resting. the family is trying to keep
visitors to a minimum to allow her to be calm and

i know how that there are no answers to why this
is happening to sarah beth. but i trust that God
has a plan and that His reasons are beyond good. i
know for a fact that God is working in her to have
an impact on the lives of others even today - even
as she appears to be in the process of leaving us

thank you thank you thank you for your prayers and
support and many expressions of love for sarah
beth and for our family as a whole. sarah b loves
your guts. and our family loves your guts too.

leigh ann


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