What A Full House!

We got to go out because the weather was a little warmer...low 30s.

Everyone was starving!

While the boys were in the basement the girls made ice suncatchers.

Headed for the freezer!

Snow ice cream!

We used the recipe on the back of a can of condensed milk.  It was the best I have ever eaten and I have eaten lots.

We added frozen strawberries...

 and mini chocolate chips.

After that, we had hot chocolate in real ceramic mugs with a special dollop of whipped topping and sprinkles.

With our bellies full and warm we headed to the basement.

Ellis brought two books to read, a game, and a sensory activity.

It smelled amazing!

And Adi chose to share a snow book.

I hung my ice snow catchers in the backyard.

It was a great day.  Lots of fun and lots of energy. As always!


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