We Had A Visit From A Very Special Reader

 But first, we start our day together at the table for breakfast.  You just never know how it is going to turn out.

Someone is learning how to eat yogurt with a spoon.

It must have worn him out.  A little rest time with Pappy is his comfy chair.
Bridger is trying to speck to us.

Off to the basement, we go.

Love all those curls!

While the littles are downstairs with Pappy the preschoolers are into the first day of Construction Week!

Their building materials were two pieces of cardboard, playdough, tongue depressors, and colored popsicle sticks.  And of course, there were markers involved.

There were lots of different construction activities to do.

He settling right in.

Always cleaning...maybe he is trying to tell me something.

Someone is getting sleepy!

End of Day One of Construction Week.  They loved it!

The big Lunch Bunch today!

Levi was our Special Reader today.  He chose Good Night Moon.

I can see and hear his teacher.  So sweet and he did a very nice job!  Thanks for sharing Levi.


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